Friday, March 14, 2008

do the harry.

i expect all children of all ages to own (or dream about owning) this hip hop harry dvd collection when the year comes to a close:

if children are the future, then it is crucial that their hip hop life begins as soon as possible.

looks like rza is trying to blow up in the year 2008. he's got two new movies coming out and a full length album. this is definitely the year of the tang miracle child, especially when one of the movies you're starring in is called "LIFE IS HOT IN CRACKTOWN." rawness in all its glory.

below is a sneak peak of one of his tracks off of his upcoming album, digi snax. thank god for piracy and greedy assholes who have nothing better to do than leak the shit out of albums.

i realize i've been plugging rising down to death (not that anyone should complain about it), but i can't help but share great things when they are practically feeding it to me for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

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